Monday, April 27, 2009

Kabul, Afghanistan 2009

It's that time of year again when I am called back to Kabul, for the seventh time, to bring the support of many donors from the US and to over see the ongoing projects which grately empowers the lives of many women and children. And, to embrace the beautiful children and resilient women I have grown to love. To say that I am excited, is an understatement! To be able to be going again is a mriacle, especially after the many challenges we have faced this year. It will be the greatest feeling to know and see how our efforts have been worth it and will support the lives of many women and children who count on us. I am forever grateful to all of our wonderful donors who truly care about Afghanistan and it's beautiful women and children. I wish you all could be the beneficaries of the love I feel each time I go!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for being the difference in our world!! In gratitude, Diana Saavedra Haskins


  1. wishing you a safe and successful journey.
    Love and prayers with you,
    Sandie Tillotson

  2. As Diana's husband, I'm often asked if I'm worried for her. I respond that Diana has found that 1. the actual conditions in Kabul are never as depicted by the news and Diana has never felt at risk, 2. Diana is highly motivated to connect with these of the lowest level of society to provide resources and some meager funds, 3. we feel that by aiding these children, we teach them that others care, that others remember them and we provide an alternate thinking of love other than Taliban and terrorist dogma.

    God bless you my dear; He will prosper your way in caring for His children. God is Great.

    Scott M. Haskins

  3. You are doing a wonderful selfless service for our Heavenly Father's children. I am so proud to know you. Have a joyful, successful and safe journey. Marianne

  4. Diana,
    I can just see you there! Your documenting your time with the lovely people and your photos bring it all alive.
    Give our American love to all your Afghan friends. Tell them we think and pray for them every day!
    Be safe,
    Love Nancy + Cali
